Like many great stories, it began with suffering as well.
Like you, we were a developing company in need of a people platform to grow our services division. After examining every piece of software available, we were left feeling let down.
So we got Staffpro going.
The objective was straightforward. Simplify and automate people operations so you can concentrate on your most valuable resource, your workforce. They will then change you from a decent organisation into a fantastic one!
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Get real-time analytics within 10 mins of setting up STAFFPRO.AI employee monitoring software
We came. We saw. We disrupted.
Since its founding four years ago, Staffpro has quietly been a revolution in the making. More than 200 companies in India and around the world have expressed their appreciation for our unwavering emphasis on developing an HR platform that is employee-centric. As of right now, we are the top platform in India for the category, gaining the greatest amount of new users. All with 100% genuine consumer love and no advertising expenditure.
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